Southfield A&T Warriors show school pride
Spirit Week at Southfield A&T was a week full of anticipation, and high spirits, leading up to biggest event of the fall, Homecoming Dance. The week of October 2-7 consisted of each day holding a unique theme. To kick off the first day, Monday, we had “Neon Color Day”. Everyone was allowed to wear bright neon colored attire. Tuesday was “Disco Day”, allowing students and staff to wear 80’s significant garments. Wednesday was made “International Day”, giving students the opportunity to express their individual cultures, or a culture of their choice. Thursday was labeled “Class Color Day”. Each class was a assigned color. Seniors wore black, Juniors wore Red, Sophomores wore blue, and Freshman wore white. Finally, on Friday, all students and staff were allowed to wear Southfield A&T Warrior apparel to show school pride during the afternoon Pep Rally.