Southfield A&T Students Show Solidarity


“A beautiful tribute and a much needed beacon of hope in these dark days.”-  These are the words that can be used to describe the heartfelt sentiments of Southfield A&T warriors this past Wednesday, March 14th.  Beginning at 9:40 a.m., students began to file out the classrooms in an organized manner with a determined and compassionate aura in the air.  Students established an unprecedented stance of solidarity in the halls Southfield A&T.

Like many academic institutions nation-wide, students were participating in a 17-minute walk out in remembrance of the victims of the Parkland, Florida shooting.  Not only that, but students were actively engaged in the protest of gun violence that has affected our entire nation. There was all-inspiring unity shown amongst our warriors in lue of this momentous tragedy.  From the time students were settled in the gym at 10:00 sharp to listen to inspirational poems and sing an inspirational song, to their dismissal 17-minutes later, there was an overwhelming sense of self-awareness, solidarity, and compassion.